Ideas about the Turned

Well since the turned are basically organic things would it be fair if they could easily be caught on fire. And would the alternate version of you try to use thier weapons to kill you?

Comment what ideas you have.

You, sir, are also an organic thing. I think you may have a misunderstanding somewhere.

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He might be talking about plant matter, which is more flammable then humans admittedly.

Yes I know humans are organic things but I was hoping the the Turned would be more flammable than players.

Pretty sure he meant organic MATTER or residue, like The Shadow from Amnesia: The Dark Descend, look it up to get a better idea.

from what I understood, they are plantlike. plants don’t catch fire easily unless they are dry.

I think they’re plantlike, but not necessarily anymore plantlike than fungus or cnidarians.
That said, most living things are damaged by fire, but unlikely to actually catch fire.

Not sure who to reply to at this point, but to reiterate clarifications:

  • organic does not mean they’re walking plants, nor do “growths.”
  • fire should be effective regardless just because that’s a fun trope imo, and even if fire ends up sucking for raiding at least it’d be fun for killing Turned. :man_shrugging:
I don't think OP was calling them plants to begin with though, but regardless:

Here’s some (fictional) flammable organic growths that spawn things:

Really though, I don’t personally need any convincing that they should be susceptible to fire.


I’m fine with zombies (or “the Turned”) using weapons to melee, but not with them shooting.

I don’t think the argument is whether or not fire should damage the Turned, but whether or not their bodies should be sufficient fuel to keep a fire going.

Well since its an alternate reality will there be Turned animals and will these animals turn you into a zombie over a period of time?

If the Turned actually had the ability to be based on players, maybe some in the locations that usually have better loot will actually have melee weapons, whether that be a knife or bashing you with a gun. That’d be cool, but what if the harder modes actually let them sporadically shoot upon detecting you. Now that’d even cooler.

and if we want to steal from hl2 ep1 we could add zombies with nades

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Well, I guess this is getting out of hand already, sooo…

I hope that if this is actually the case, I doesn’t get off hand and we get crazy stuff that came out from Resident Evil series or Left 4 Dead, since I’m more oriented to the basic/classic idea of the pandemic that just turns people into savage killers (wether undead cannibals or not, e.g. like at the movie The Crazies), rather than seeing crazy OP mutations all over the place.

However, if the forementioned scenario comes to reality, I’d like at least that it doesn’t influence that much in the action pacing gameplay, making it a massive frenetic zombie (turned) grinding for survival; it’d contains tons of action, but doesn’t really fit with the game’s orientation towards realism that much. I’d really like to have a pacing similar to the seen in The Walking Dead, also feeling a pretty wave from games and series like No More Room In Hell, Silent Hill or The Evil Within at the moment of fighting certain enemies (if not a good amount of them).

Only melee weapons. Bandits are already up to the task of shooting to players.

Hhmmmm… Nah

Just what I’ve said about bandits. Regardless, let’s see how the plot goes so there’s space for something like that without killing seriousness.

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