Today, I wish to make our world oh so much more immersive.
Today I want to go over how the moon will affect the lighting and zombies.
And how the water will rise and fall alongside the time.
And all the weather events of the rainbow.
These events can have admin commands directly linked to them.
Weather Events
There shall be weather, each weather probability can be specifically configured to the map. There shall be (obviously) sunny days, and stormy days. Some of the effects can stack, while most can’t. Let me list them out. Common to extremely rare.
Common: sunny, partly cloudy-overcast, and slightly windy (all wind events can stack upon other weather events).
Uncommon: drizzle-raining, and light fog (stacks, just not with wind and thunderstorms, mostly mornings and evenings?)
Rare: Thunderstorms (stacks with rain, has thunder, hits highest points of map or metal, damages players to various extents, say 25-75 HP regardless of armor? and achievement?), heavy rain, moderate fog, light-moderate snow, moderately windy, Cloudy (with unusual cloud formations), rainbows, sleet.
Vary rare: Floods (will increase water levels above the norm, and may push players, zombies and vehicles around) Severe thunderstorms, heavy fog, blizzard, vary windy (slightly push players in a direction), hail (vary, VARY slow hp drain), whirlpools in rivers (deal damage to vehicles and pulls players under with hp drain, unlikely to be implemented). drought (lower water levels)
Note: will only happen if there are players in the chunks. And I know these are late development and will likely not get implemented…
Extremely rare: Ef 1-5 tornadoes (These do not damage buildables or vehicles, but will pull players, manned vehicles, and other npc’s (animals and zombies) into the air, starting with a slight dragging effect until you get airborne where you ragdoll, these will damage natural buildables and objects however, so these will be uprooting trees and light poles, these come complete with sounds of your bones breaking when you smash into the sides of buildings), Tidal waves (a large wave will hit the mainland and same with the tornados, will damage nearly everything, these will deal a initial 25+ impact damage to players.), Ball lighting (google it, do not touch), and double rainbows.
If you don’t know what these are…, We will have low and high tides. This leaves open the possibilities for caves only accessible for certain times of the day. If you have time, you can add in the extremes of the spectrums.
Also currents would be nice.
Moon mechanics and events
Now this may be the only entertaining concept I may push out.
The more the moon is out (lighted), the more ambient light there is at night. Notably, new moons will have the darkest nights, and full, the brightest.
Now, here I where life gets dangerous.
Full moons, like now. The zombies are worse than normal. But… During Blood moons, there much worse, these blood moons will be vary rare, and there eyes dark purple. You can suggest the balance, but there 60% worse than full moons in this period, designed to give players fright and challenge. Perhaps certain zombies will come out during this time. This is meant to put fear into the players. Once every 12 full moons?
And worse… Solar eclipses… Solar Eclipses, shall be the harbingers of player fright and destruction, lasting but part of a day, the moon will slowly inch itself across the sky and eclipse. Now, think of a situation that would cause players to purposely evacuate all zombified areas out of pure fear, if the blood moons did not do it, this will. This… Challenge… Will occur extremely rarely. So rare in fact, I say a player will only see it once every 400h (with no admin interference) of gameplay.
The eyes will glow black, the sky will darken, and the moon once eclipsed will stand still momentarily. the sky will tinge purple (for effect) and the zombies will become hyperactive, becoming almost as max skill players sprinting and have 300% hp, and deal 40 dmg. But to be fair and not slaughter unwilling somewhat observant players, a icon will appear before and after the eclipse warning of it (moon over sun icon).
Water will rise and fall over course of the day, leads to possibilities of caves only accessible at certain times, there will now be fog, thunderstorms, floods, and then we will have new moons (no part of the moon is lighted), which have lower light than usual and higher when full, blood moons, and solar eclipses and disasters (super rare).
`Suggest/comment below.`
Also I’m tired so mercy.
But how would you like this added into gameplay?