It would be FREAKING AWESOME if you could create npcs ingame instead of having to edit the code and having all the problems with it not working… Cough…cough…(Id’s and dialog) Cough… cough. If we did it this way it would be MUCH easier to create npcs, also if you could add atributes to navigation tiles ingame for mission or etc. Tell me your other ideas for unturned 4.0
NPC’s are easy to make. It’s also easy to be lazy.
I think what he’s suggesting is not that, but the ability for a server owner to plop a NPC for certain purposes, like a vendor, without having to create edit the map.
Like an admin tool.
Doubtful. The OP heavily implies he means making actual NPCs for a map, not some sort of plugin for spawning them on that specific server.
NPCs are fairly easy to make once you get the hang of it, but I agree for this to be a sort of medium-priority thing. After all, the simpler, the better.
PROTIP: Sometimes NPCs will not work if you have copy files and modified them (rightfully so, I do the same) but use this site to generate GUIDs (the long ID with like 16 or so letters and numbers at the top of the .txt file)
Uncheck Hyphens and whenever you create a new text file generate a new GUID and paste it into your text file.
Also, for keeping IDs in mind I recommend just making a notepad file and noting every ID, and use some big numbers like 7000 for example (and continue from there with 7001, 7002, 7003.) I also recommend even if you don’t really need it, to keep IDs from different things (like a Character and a Dialogue) to have the same ID. It’s unnecessary but it gets less confusing when you have a lot of files.
Never do that. The game always auto-generates GUIDs when none is present. Using external tools to do this will be more likely to cause conflicting GUIDs.
Copy-paste a relevant .dat file’s content, and delete the top line. You don’t need to make your own GUID, you shouldn’t use the original’s GUID, you don’t need a third-party tool to make a GUID, and you don’t need to leave blank lines at the top.
Just let the game do all of it. I’ve seen this thrown around a lot by people, particularly on the subreddit a while back, and I’m not sure why.
ouch that hurt
The problem I’ve had is when I try to make a vendor situation, it always breaks the npc I can get the npc to look how I want it to look and sometimes get it to say what I want but, Whenever I try to have him sell stuff or other options he/she just disappears from my map and isn’t in the editor. I’ve followed all the steps but just can’t get it right
Copy-paste of some of your attempts? Sounds like an error you made in the Asset.dat.
sure justa sec
heres my asset file data
GUID df8728a330714254bf7b30f1705ba9d5
Type NPC
ID 46669
Shirt 1420
Pants 1419
Face 25
Hair 1
Color_Skin #AA916E
Color_Hair #464646
Primary 363
Secondary 99
Equipped 363
Dialogue 2100
heres the English.dat in his file
Name Coalition Deserter 1
Character <color=rare>Coalition Deserter
coalition deserter dialogs asset completed file
GUID c0619eb025ad4f3eb4add6337c4e2107
Type Dialogue
ID 2100
Messages 1
Message_0_Pages 1
coalition deserter english.dat
Message_0_Page_0 Goodbye.
coalition deserter help asset.dat
GUID 99bbbec8d6cb4953a077c1112c5c2484
Type Dialogue
ID 2101
Messages 1
Message_0_Pages 1
Message_0_Page_0 Got all this good stuff from the Coalition Armory, Want to buy any?
Coalition deserter welcome dialog Asset.datGUID 0ed245aba5a0459ca70169f719ca7786
Type Dialogue
ID 2102
Messages 1
Message_0_Pages 1
Responses 3
// I’d like to trade
// Armory_Vendor_Completed
Response_0_Dialogue 145
Response_0_Vendor 142
Response_0_Conditions 1
Response_0_Condition_0_Type Flag_Bool
Response_0_Condition_0_ID 146
Response_0_Condition_0_Value True
Response_0_Condition_0_Logic Equal
// Need any help?
// Armory_Help
Response_1_Dialogue 144
Response_1_Rewards 1
// Can_Sell_To_Armory
Response_1_Reward_0_Type Flag_Bool
Response_1_Reward_0_ID 146
Response_1_Reward_0_Value True
Message_0_Page_0 Hello!
Response_0 I’d like to trade
Response_1 Need any help?
Response_2 Goodbye
Vendors coalition_deserter_store
GUID 0def46bca95a4609a57186ccc1cb83b6
Type Vendor
ID 2103
Buying 8
// Highcal military
Buying_0_ID 1192
Buying_0_Amount 20
Buying_0_Cost 40
// Lowcal military
Buying_1_ID 43
Buying_1_Amount 20
Buying_1_Cost 30
// Highcal ranger
Buying_2_ID 1193
Buying_2_Amount 20
Buying_2_Cost 40
// Lowcal ranger
Buying_3_ID 119
Buying_3_Amount 20
Buying_3_Cost 30
// Military magazine
Buying_4_ID 6
Buying_4_Amount 20
Buying_4_Cost 30
// Military drum
Buying_5_ID 17
Buying_5_Amount 20
Buying_5_Cost 30
// Ranger magazine
Buying_6_ID 123
Buying_6_Amount 20
Buying_6_Cost 30
// Ranger drum
Buying_7_ID 125
Buying_7_Amount 20
Buying_7_Cost 30
Selling 3
// Military knife
Selling_0_ID 121
Selling_0_Amount 1
Selling_0_Cost 50
// Binocs
Selling_1_ID 333
Selling_1_Amount 1
Selling_1_Cost 40
// Rangefinder
Selling_2_ID 1008
Selling_2_Amount 1
Selling_2_Cost 600
Name <color=legendary>Coalition Armory
Description Stolen Coalition gear, Its cheaper here!
havent really tried much more after what I just put
You didn’t let the game generate your GUIDs. Delete all the GUIDs from your custom Asset.dat files and let the game generate them when you launch the game.
Alright I’ll see if that fixes it
alright it didnt do anything the npc still doesnt show up, I deleted all the GUIDs, but just a quick question, how is the game supposed to know files go with each other? I made this file a long time ago.,
You put in the IDs of the dialogue/vendor/NPC it should be pulling from. Example:
GUID faddca2f0d7d42579c88ffee75f9a89c
Type Dialogue
ID 59
ID of dialogue
Messages 1
Message_0_Pages 1Responses 4
// I’d like to trade
// Chef_Vendor_Completed
Response_0_Dialogue 62
ID of dialogue to pull from
ID of vendor to pull from
Response_0_Vendor 63
Response_0_Conditions 1
Response_0_Condition_0_Type Flag_Bool
GUID 209192e21ab44684bd14e097a493c8ff
Type NPC
ID 756Shirt 230
Pants 231
Hat 239Face 20
Color_Skin #4B3D31
Color_Hair #191919Dialogue 59
ID of dialogue for the NPC to use
yeah i would like it(a NPC ceator/vehicle creator/item crator/skin creator!)but it would be a lot of work for nelson
It would be a paid tool(something like “unturned creator studio”). So it would be worth to make
-bad English