Whenever a zombie hits a player there’s a chance it starts lowering the infection every couple minutes/seconds and you have to treat it by taking meds (won’t heal you, the infection will go down either way) or dying and starting over.
To clarify - do you mean like getting infected in Project Zomboid (where you’re guaranteed to eventually die)?
If you just meant immunity decreases over time, there’s a mechanic kinda like what you’re asking for already in Unity. But it’s triggers when your Immunity drops to a certain threshold, and is fixable by restoring your Immunity above that point.
Yeah, this seems to be what they mean. Being infected makes your immunity meter go down constantly, and you have to continue to take meds to delay your infection, likely also either making the meds less effective or making your immunity go down faster over time, and possibly turning you into a zombie on death, just like Zomboid.
Personally I think it’d probably be better if you could treat it by finding a cure and/or vaccine in labs which are already on some maps, and stuff like vitamins which bring up your infection meter only delay your infection, with the infection getting faster over time.
Yes, exactly like Project Zomboid. Maybe with time it gets your Immunity go exponentially down faster, like you can treat yourself with vitamins, etc. but it will eventually get you.
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