No, it isn’t
When you get headshot with a Shadowstalker and survive on 2 health and you’re bleeding but forget that you’re an admin and you have godmode on.
because you know theirs a guy shooting at you
just hotkey the medkit and heal up
or any healing item in that matter
unfortunately the medkit animation takes too long to play, you will not survive.
You can’t heal from Shadowstalker headshot unless you start healing the moment you get shot, which is hard to pull off.
keep this stuff to the reddit, it aint funny.
I hate it when I headshot with a shadow stalker and the guy doesn’t get one shot, it makes it impossible to kill them.
i got banned from the reddit for just that
so you shitpost here now
i dont understand what the problem is i post oc in the correct section with the correct subtag, if you dont want to see memes dont click on posts marked with ‘memes’
if you’re gonna make bad memes at least make them ironically bad
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