We’re also going to watch as we bully mandown with explosives
And me
give internet point
Happy birthday!
Haha, it wasn’t supposed to be Ukraine, but I sympathize with fellow Ukrainian comrades.
Hey guys. Joe Cool here, again. I just want to say that nobody in Ukraine wants the return of communism. Russia is already returning to it’s imperialist/expansionist ways by invading Chechnya (And losing the first time around!) and now invading Ukraine. In 1932 the Soviets manufactured a famine that killed millions, just so Joseph Stalin could get a little more control of the Ukrainian SSR! That left a bit of a sour taste regarding communism in the mouths of the Ukrainians. The western understanding of what communism was like for those of us is pretty insulting, to be honest. But leave it to you people to not do any research of your own! Ok, Joe Cool out.
Thats a pretty biased and slightly off-topic review of stalinism and totalitarianism, but ok.
I had a teacher who emigrated from Romania and about a quarter of the time instead of teaching science she would talk about how first fascists and then communists had ruined her childhood and eastern Europe as a whole. She was actually pretty cool though.
Leave it to someone from America to say that! Joe Cool out
How, exactly, is it biased? The Holodomor was, by and large, a man-made famine that was more or less caused by the soviet government. The vast majority of the Ukrainian population does not want communism to return, in any form, as shown by the actions the government has taken; most communist parties in UIkraine are banned from participating in elections. In fact, in 2015 a de-communization law was even put into effect; by the terms of the law, towns or cities with communist statues or names had six months to change their name and remove statues. If nothing else, this shows the massive dislike of the Ukrainian population at large of communism.
Caused by Stalins government, to retain power over Ukraine.
They never achieved communism. Communism is a stateless, classless society. The USSR evidently had states and classes.
Thats not cool to oppress people like that, unless they know its just Russian influences trying to ruin their stuff. Then its pretty justified.
Their dislike of authoritarian leftism is prevalent, but they never had communism. No country anywhere has achieved communism. They are simply trying to achieve it through giving the state ultimate power. Although I disagree with these methods of achieving communism (Bolshevik-ism, Marxism, Stalin-ism, Leninism) it is not in itself communist, just ways of attempting to achieve it.
I’m an Anarcho-Communist and have a wildly different way of achieving communism, which does not include people giving up their freedom and democracy to an all-powerful state that can create famines in disobedient provinces on a whim - which is what Holodomor was.
I even did a powerpoint on Holodomor for my class a while back.
Remember kids, whenever your communist state fails, just claim it wasn’t real communism.
No but really, there was a show recently that had some sort of traumatic event in Ukraine and how it was poorly handled by the Soviets.
I think it began with a “C” or something, but I remember one of it’s most famous lines was “What is the cost of lies?”
Remember kids, whenever a country never achieves full capitalism, nobody cares.
Well good for them. I dont really care about the USSR and its dumb government. I only care that @anon26840272 has no idea what words he’s using and how to use them, so I clarified it a bit for those that are not politically active/intelligent.
i like that cat picture and i will save it to my computer’s solid state drive.
edit : i just scrolled down and noticed i interrupted a debate about communism, sorry about that
This thread is so perfectly Rainofpain and that reply was so perfectly danaby.
Imagine it is your cake day and a user who registered days ago baited you and completely switch the topic. oof
Joe Cool does not appreciate these allegations! Joe Cool out
Thankfully I have never beat anyone to death, so do not look any further into that. And as well as that, Irony cannot be a solid object due to it being a metaphysical/psychological concept. Irony is not real in the physical space. It, like many other things, is merely a human construct. Joe Cool out
Yep, it’s Nuclear alright, glad to see you back.
Please, I am Joe Cool not Nuclear. I really do not appreciate what you are implying, so please stop.
Sorry Joe, I’ve edited the super secret confidential information out of my reply, and the only way anyone could find out about it would be to check the edit history, which I would strongly warn them against, and am in no way reminding them to do so.