I don’t know about you, but I’m exceptionally confused about the community’s stance on gore in general. Hence why this thread exists.
So, I thought, why not get some numbers?
Remember, I’m looking for your opinion.
I’d assume you know how this goes, I present a wide array of options, you mindlessly argue over trivial matters.
If you actually bother voting, it would be nice if you could state why you chose what you chose.
If you vote “Don’t Care”, ask yourself why you’re here.
It should be noted that I obviously won’t get everything down on the polls. That being said, simply pick what’s closest to your thoughts.
sigh Let the fun begin.
- I prefer wounds being aesthetic only.
- I prefer wounds having medical implications.
- I prefer wounds being exclusive to corpses.
- I prefer wounds being exclusive to corpses, with some exceptions.
- I prefer wounds being exclusive to corpses, with some exceptions, the exceptions being aesthetic.
0 voters
If you don’t want to give a specific answer, refer to the first three.
- Just Ragdolls (No gore pertaining to the body’s form.)
- Don’t Care (Opt out.)
- Japanese Cartoon (Gore = good, no exceptions/closet guro enthusiast.)
- Bullet Entry Wounds (Puncture.)
- Bullet Exit Wounds
- Cuts
- Bruises/Contusions
- Blunt Force Trauma (Intradermal bruises, abrasions.)
- Avulsions.
- Burns
- Gas (Peeling skin/red skin, other inflictions depending on type.)
- Acid
- Infection
- Digital Dismemberment Manner (i.e. Certain pre-placed positions wherein the limb is mutilated.)
- Analog Dismemberment Manner (i.e. Position dependent on impact placement, size dependent on force.)
- Overdrawn Dismemberment Details (Bones & marrow, subsystems of the Vena Cavae, loose skin, organs, etc.)
- Detailed Dismemberment Details (Bones and organs.)
- Undetailed Dismemberment Details (Just blood.)
- No Dismemberment Details (Literally a stump.)
- Mangling
- Gangrene
- Necrosis
- Trench Foot
0 voters
That’s just about everything I think is relevant; potentially common enough in the circumstances for inclusion.
Still feels like I’m missing something crucial.
Ah, what’s it matter?
Oh yes, this is technically a medical suggestion thread without explicitly stating so.
And here we go, make my day. (Internal screaming.)