Bit late, but a few days ago a few changes were made to the site, and a post wasn’t made at the time to document them publicly.
- Updated descriptions for various badges
- Added badges for P9nda eSports July 2019 | Finalist, Screenshot Contest, Anniversary 2019, and Shortfilm Contest July 2019
- Updated the triggers for how often the site checks to distribute some of the custom badges
- “Easter 2019” badge was replaced with the “Festive 2018” badge
Anniversary 2019 was handed out automatically from July 7 to July 9 if you had visited the site. P9nda eSports July 2019 | Finalist was manually handed out to the few users that have SDG Forum accounts. If you are a winning participant of the Screenshot Contest that took place a couple of years ago, forward proof of your Shiny Screenshot Contest Sweater.
The Shortfilm Contest July 2019 badge will be handled after the event ends.
Site Bots
- Updated the profile descriptions of the site’s bots
- Made bot avatars a little bit more unique rather than being exactly the same as Nelson’s avatar
- Added a custom title for the bots to use
Flagging Sensitivity
- Adjusted the sensitivity for flagged posts to be automatically hidden while waiting for review
- Adjusted the minimum number of unique flaggers required for a topic to automatically pause for intervention
- Adjusted the number of minutes a user must wait before they can edit a post hidden via community flagging
- Lowered the DiscoTOC plugin to TL2 from TL3
- SDG Wizard emoji
- Added a Twitter card “summary large image”