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I feel like every thread has a deleted message from you @Pesticide
Go commit antibiotic overdose
Anti-biotics, they fight and kill micro organisms. You may need to take other pills to keep your healthy biotics up if your on them cause they kill a lot. An infection is foreign bacteria getting into your body and spreading, antibiotics kill the foreign bacteria.
- posts long dead meme format
- proceeds to explain it and give advice
that’s a double crime sir im afraid youll be fined
all you have to do is PM your parents’ credit card information
Dead Meme?
DONT WORRY! Just use premium pesky grade antibiotics.
As you can see it works like a charm! puts them to sleep instantly! Right Todd!
Camera looks at todd with X’s in his Eyes
Buy now and we’ll give you a free coffi- i mean a second bottle!
you know what, the pesky premium antibiotics in my about me.
Does this mean, We can Cure the Turned? Sorry Nelson, its time to go.
Ok, pick up the money at 69 cool-st dank island
lol nelson just needs to add heroin and boom cure for everything
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