Launch Complex Spectator Platform

Ignore the missing boulders xd

cool discord for nasty utah:


oi, is dis map completely vanilla?

Literally half the things in this picture are custom assets

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darn… I was hoping they were made using scaling xd

Nope. Well, in the loosest meaning, the boulders are made by scaling, but they are still custom objects.

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man Id been hoping a fellow map maker was going for a completely vanilla look like me xd

Why would you want them to be made by scaling? Not only does that look ugly, but its lazy, and can cause performance issues.

Custom assets are a great way to let map makers really do what they want to, and also improve performance at times. They can be bundled with the map so you download everything in one click.

Also, he is going for a vanilla look. Don’t self advertise either with your “man Id been hoping a fellow map maker was going for a completely vanilla look like me xd” crap.


I wasnt self advertising. I dont see the point in doing so, plus If I was self advertising, I would be making links to my map, saying SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE LIKE ECT. So no, Im not self advertising. Also, I meant going completely vanilla, no mods whatsoever. because SOME people dont like downloading mods, but like maps. So yeah, thats what I meant. the map can have a vanilla look but not be completely vanilla. Just saying.

Just a heads-up that you can download map assets through the map download. You don’t have to have a separate download just for map objects.

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yeah I know, what I meant is that some people like the map to be completely vanilla, no mods or custom assets whatsoever, whether they have to download them manually or they are packaged with the map. I am going to make a modded version but I want to finish the vanilla version first.

Vanilla style =/= Vanilla

It’s quite easily possible to have a map with custom assets that matches the vanilla game.

How is it lazy? it takes a lot more work to make something look nice with scaled objects than it does to make some object manually. Yes I know it creates less lag but you can create about anything with scaling that you can otherwise.

Well, believe it or not, it takes a lot of work to make a single custom object too, easily far more than making a compound object

“I wasnt self advertising”

posts around 20 pics of his own map for no reason
only posting it because he’s clearly self conscious about a rival mapmaker


I posted that many pics to show what could be done with the map editor. Do I really seem like im advertising my own map that much too you? I only showed small pictures, not showing entire locations, I was focusing on the objects, not the map itself.

yes. it does seem to be self advertising on another fucking persons map picture.
EDIT: also I’ve been using custom objects for my most recent map, and trust me, it’s so freeing not to have to rely on other objects to make the object I’m trying to make

oh… yeah I forgot that was this post xd, well still, im not self advertising. If I am, I dont mean too.

What is that supposed to be? A mech?

Compound objects are just awful half the time. Learn unity or blender. I plan on doing that myself, but even then I’ve never relied on scaled or compounded objects before (other than for very specific cases involving boulders).

And why did you make 3-4 seperate posts, and then sent a shit ton of images from your own map? This isn’t your topic, its @anon95004049’s topic. About Utah.

lol it was something I made int he middle of the night and wanted some sort of experiemntal stuff that you cant use xd… I dunno alright. And I forgot it was on this post and I was responding to you. Not anyone else… YOU, because you where acting like scaling is a terrible thing when its used in every damn map. so just stop, I was trying to prove a point.

look if you want to keep arguing lets do it in private messaging, I dont want to offend Nuclear and more if I have already.