Linux Shader Related Crashing

Hey everyone, I’ve been working on changing over my map materials and updating my map to the current landscape from the legacy map, and just when I thought I was finished I ran into this pesky issue.

Essentially the map works fine and is playable in singleplayer (I use windows) but when trying to launch the server running Linux it seems to crash, with the error logs as follows:

“WARNING: Shader Unsupported: ‘Standard’ - All passes removed”
“WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?”
“ERROR: Shader Particles/Additive shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)”

I assumed this error is related to the server running on a Linux OS since I have no issues running the mod myself. Despite this I am using both the linux and mac support for my unity export and they are in the files, so I am not sure what’s causing this problem.

I’ll show my files with the masterbundles and also my Unity Modules below:

The server the project is running on doesn’t have a GPU, which from what I understand is pretty usual for dedicated servers, but that makes the GPU related error being thrown more strange.

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