Hello, you guys know me as stuttgart_flugart (I’ve been off the forum for a bit, sorry about that-) and I have with me a dilemma.
I was receiving spam notifications from Chrome, so I decided to reset it completely, and log into the accounts that I was using before, and it was all good, no problems.
Until I went on the SDG Forum. I entered in my email, password, all the usual, but it says “unknown error”. I try “Forgot password”. I enter my email. It says “403 Forbidden”. I tried logging in with my username, and it gives me the same thing. Is this a weird bug, or is there some explanation for it? cheers
Happened to me as well
I didn’t know what to do. Had to use different devices everytime. Sometimes the app, sometimes going to Chrome manually, and sometimes on my PC
Staff have a list as a part of the forum’s tools, but the amount of suspensions can be counted on my fingers. There’s more silences than there are suspensions right now, but a vast majority of those are automatic silences issued to spam bot accounts.