Listening to Africa by TOTO helped fix this.
Ok I looked, now what.
Did my IQ increase?
Fios with the wire thing in my pc.
I have the entirety of Florida connected to my computer. Normally 10 megabit download speeds but it gets the job done as long as I don’t have to fight for control over it.
yeah like me
Lets dial this one back a bit.
I like how it says it’s very fast, and should be able to handle multiple devices streaming, but if more than one gets on the internet just goes to shit.
I can’t run a speed test for my computer RN, but it can play an HD video and connect to a tf2 server at high speeds both at the same time… Is that impressive?
I can’t run a speed test for my computer RN, but I can hack into multiple forum users’ phones to extract nudes… Is that impressive?
I dunno, is it broskiiiiiii
I can’t run a speed test for my computer RN, but I can run with minimal lag
While running 7 servers, two Discords and Unturned.
Y’all are turds.