Loot and difficulty

I think that after you collect sime good loot you are set up and you can walk in a town and kill everything like a god this my problem after a point the game loses it’s challenge. I believe that this could be fixed with sone area difficulty with this the longer you stay in an area the zombies become harder to kill and also they deal more damage
I think that this should be added to places that are calm(not stressing) and give good loot like military bases bankers etc. With that this high tier loot locations would be more stressing(like deadzones (filters).) And make difficulter to collect loot the same easily as the first time also this would help in single-player that if you exit and re-enter everything have spawn back. The problem would be in servers that a usually visited military location would be impossible to be visited by new players .so I think that thus should be only used in single-player and not be used in alreadystressingplaces (deadzone) for obvious reasons

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i agree with this and i that that they should up date the old maps and give them deadzones (not Washington) so there can be better loot and, AI in the old maps

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