
Here, have another post.

The lore in Unturned is most definitely important to the game. It explains the story of the turned, the people before the turned, and the current state in the world.

But we all know it’s lacking. Nelson did say he is focusing a lot on lore in 4.x, but what we have now is missing a lot.
There’s a lot of storyline-based notes, and a lot that are completely unrelated to anything at all.

There’s a lot of theories, but it all seems to be lacking one piece.
Real. Clues.

There’s lead to the polysol federation, the AEGIS foundation, Scorpion-7, the government, even Big J.
But nothing explains what the story is behind the outbreak. There’s soulcrystals and weird experiments.

Now, maybe it’s the point that there’s no evident story, and it’s rather up to the players to find out. But something less cryptic and lacking would be very, very nice.

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SirAdy covered this very well (as best as he could), try to check his videos.


Not sure if this belongs in #unturned-4 or #unturned-3

Good point. I’d say its 4.x, since i talk about how we need more, but now i’m confused as well.

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Yea, but obviously there’s no post on the forum, and people probably don’t know about this guy/watched that video.

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While it is cool to have an official lore for people to explore.

I, personally like how it’s tells you that this is the lore, but doesn’t really forced you to learn it as a history class or forced the lore itself to be in just 1 direction all the way to the end.
Afterall, that’s why theories exist. It’s doesn’t give you just 1 branch of the story, it expands a lore to smaller branches, each has it’s own uniqueness. Making the lore (and it’s theories) more interesting than just a lore.


Exactly. I had a little email thread with our lord and saviour Nelson, and all the answers he gave me were cryptic, so i’m guessing that’s exactly his point. The story isn’t forced, it doesn’t make unturned seem like a playthrough-kinda game, and it encourages user activity.

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