brÖther my shipost skills ez pz outweigh ur LAMP
shit… the lord doggo has stopped me in my steps… but he cant fight his own fam
Ples stalp or
g’day moite
new image now moite
to pass the doggo he’ll need your credit card number, the expiration date, and the 3 digits on the back.
FoR yOuR InForMaTiON tHaT Is A RusSiAn sPY NoT A DoGgO
AlRIgHT bOis TiME tO cRaCK A cOlD onE
a new day another screenshot.
does redcomm still have the deathpastito meme? with the guy loading pasta into a gun.
Lol o grejer
si senor
(10 char BS)
holy crap just tick rocket off i swear mate stop reviving this thread
its almost… as if you don’t know what your saying? nor read the comments.
Should rain stop bumping his own thread?
- Yes of course officer, I am a 200iq intellectual
- No, I am a smooth brain and a troglodyte
0 voters
ey uddy m ust nnouncing pdates n he ituation t and
B was never funny.
kay oys, a new day a new post update
This except it’s sunday my dudes.