MacBook Pro User - Difficulty to shoot arrows

I am currently playing with the mouse pad only which is inbuilt to my laptop. I just found out that to shoot arrows, mouse users must hold one button and press the other to release. I can’t perform that command sequence with the mousepad.

Maybe there’s an option setting somewhere that I can change it’s default configuration which I’m unaware of but I thought to share my inconvenience in the meantime.

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actual fucking sadist.

Not really something Nelson can fix, my question is why are you trying to play with a mouse pad? Get a mouse mate.


You can pick up a cheap wireless mouse for 8 bucks off of amazon, and you could probably get something even cheaper at your local techstore.

If push comes to shove you can keybind lmb and rmb to diffrent keys, when I used to play minecraft on a chromebook I would bind lmb and rmb to R and F because I was so sick of the mouse pad.


why are you playing with a mousepad? How do you even snipe? Why can’t you just get a cheap mouse?

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Sucks for you bucko!

Simple as this, just buy a mouse.

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You can set aim to toggle


rebind the “primary” button and “secondary” button to something else (something else being a keyboard key you use very little)

I think Option makes click into right clicks, maybe it doesn’t cancel out a normal click. Idk, get a mouse.

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