They should make a Sweden Map.
Make it yourself
Your right! But i can’t beacus every time i moving 10 stuff is it start to bugging and i need to restart the game.
I problably can but it will take very long and I need to finish another map first.
Well, You don’t need to make one for me!
I will problably make one though. I like the challange.
no we’re doing Mexico next sorry
No we’re doing Finland next sorry.
Scandinavia as a whole or just “the nordic countries” would make for a better map.
Denmark and Norway got a lot of interesting shit too you know
Can we get an F for Sweden?
Sorry no Sweden, PEI 2 is next
Sorry no Sweden, Belgium 10 is next
How has nobody created Australia yet?
The real hardcore survival map
rip new mexico too
There’s been a number of projects but most of them have ended up dead. Plus a lot of people have no idea what to do with the void you wankers call the Outback.
ha thats funny since nelson is a one man band
The entire area above Tasmania is a kill volume/gives you the burning effect. That’d be accurate.
Maybe not all of the mainland…