Make Flag Values Settable from Server

Having the option to change flag values from the server to the client would allow for many new options to interact with quests and NPCs from plugins.

It would be a minimal addition but would have near limitless potential.

This would help out our Unturnov project to use more vanilla features and extend upon them, such as:

  • Add custom quests with advanced requirements
  • Allow interactions between NPCs and plugins
  • Sync flag values between group members
  • Change object states from the server
  • And much more

In good news, this is already supported by calling: PlayerQuests.sendSetFlag


Yea already noticed, that it is indeed working for our quest based cooldown, but it does not work for our npcs in some cases

I will investigate the behaviour further and create a github issue once i find the cause / have more info on this matter :blush:

Thank you so much for your quick reply :blush:
Should have read more of the code before posting this :sweat_smile:

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