Make Unturned Open Source!

I love you bro you are the best!

In my opinion, I agree with the idea that Nelson should get rid of Unturned 1 and be able to concentrate on Unturned 2, however I don’t agree with the plan you are talking about, although it is true that the community can keep a game alive, as is the case with TF2 or L4D2, it would be silly for Nelson to give away his code to everyone, thousands of bad copies of the game would be created, phone versions that would charge publicity, and all this would only harm Nelson.
I think the alternative for Nelson to focus on Unturned 2 might be:

Letting friends of his who know the code manage Unturned 1 and have him supervise them from time to time :point_left: :white_check_mark:

But I definitely don’t see an alternative to open source, the mere idea of thinking about it indicates that you don’t have the most basic reasoning. :skull_and_crossbones:

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Id just limit things to game mods only. Making it open source would feel whack imo.

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not to mention cheat developers would have an absolute field day

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I think this is an idea for the long run, when UII is out this would be a great way to continue the game. However I know the second it goes opens source, companies like voodoo games will pounce on it to make crap mobile ports. I think it would be best if it went open source when “the public face of unturned” is UII. Ultimately it’s nelson’s decision.

I also heard about an attempt to reverse engineer 2.0, you might want to do some digging on that.

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Yes. This, this right here is correct.

Do This!

idk if its similar to ekhoalfa but heres a suggestion
you could just do what among us planned

make u4
keep u3 open until the player base is almost dead
make it open source

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You can’t reverse engineer the entire source code of a game, if that’s what you’re worried about. Plus, 2.0 has been gathering dust since 2015, I doubt it’s all that important of an issue.


I think I saw it in one of the blogs, I don’t know how possible it is. Maybe the don’t need the whole source code? idk

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