Makeshift vehicles inconsistency

4 seater: destructible tires

6 seater: indestructible tires

I really do not need a 6 seater, but because it has indestructible tires I am compelled to save up the extra tires to make it.

its silly.

It has indestructible tires because, to oversimplify it, the tire removal system only works with four tires.

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I never thought about that indestructible tire situation on makeshift vehicles. I think Nelson mentioned a possibility of reworking that little issue last time it was brought up.

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From a mechanic / code perspective, it makes sense that having 6 tires and one popping might be weird physics just because of how simply and dumb Unturned 3 cars work. idk. damn that blows.

In that case, Nelson should just make the 4 seater and 1 seater tires indestructible for consistency? or maybe it makes sense that the most expensive would have invincible tires?

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Maybe it just doesn’t matter :sunglasses:


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