Male/Female models (Shape Distinction)

Now that there’s a lot of talk about models I would like to suggest some sort of shape to the models. If Nelson intends to make a distinction between male and female models how would it be done? Currently there is only one model that we know of and it basically looks like a straight brick with no shapes.

  • For male models i would suggest that he gives it a more masculine build. Give the model wider shoulders and slimmer hips(slightly smaller legs) for a V-taper.

  • For female models i would suggest that he gives it a more feminine build. Give the model wider hips(slightly bigger legs?) and slimmer around the stomach for a Hourglass shape.

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I wouldnt suggest increasing the shoulder width, 3.x’s model’s shoulders were mega wide and from what ive seen we’re trying to steer away from 3.x’s model

Dosent need to be a mega increase. A slight increase in shoulder width and decrease in waist width gives the illusion of a V-taper quite quick.

Where have you seen that?

Having female models being smaller than male is a bad idea because everyone would pick female for a smaller hitbox, and the advantages that come with it.

Never suggested that they would be drasticly smaller, only small tweaks on the different bodyparts. But i see where you’re coming from. It’s however impossible to say wether a change like this would be taken advantage of, as the game is not even playable.

But what if the hotbox isn’t smaller?

From what I can tell, a lot of the time the hotbox is larger than the actual body… Soooooooo

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If the hit box is bigger than the body no one would play as a female because you would think you are out of cover but your hitbox isn’t, making it super frustrating to play as you can’t tell when you are safe.

For the OP, the center of mass is smaller, it’s still a advantage that people will abuse. Just look at 3.0 and how people abuse colored skin, it barely gives an advantage but people still do it constantly. I doubt this will change, especially when you are giving out a fairly hefty advantage of center of mass straight up being smaller

The best way is to keep the character model as it currently is, which is gender neutral, as any difference between genders brings up the issue of hitboxes.

Actually, some people play as the female player model cause you know… They are female?

Smaller whole-body hitbox will not compensate two bigger “torso-hitboxes” :3

btw. I agree with Aj, hitboxes can stay the same as body size differences will be really minimal (except these two milk sacs :3).

I don’t see why this hitbox thing is even a discussion, you can make these gender changes but still have them not distinct enough to have wildly different “visual” hitboxes allowing you to keep the actual hitbox the same.


Exactly (10)

Nelson has experimented with a feminine mesh before, giving it slightly smaller limbs and hips.


Keep in mind this is an older photo from the first stages of the character model development.



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I would say that it could also come with character body customization, & since it does change your looks, it shouldn’t affect hitbox.

Yeah I remember, I was going to include this but i couldn’t find it and didnt bother looking.

:man_shrugging: I was going by what your original topic said, hourglass waist.

Ha ha, funny joke. There are no females

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