Massive hordes every X days

Alright then, how about all the zombies in the map attack you auntie night, then they all respawn in their original places after the night is through. Also all the zombies in the map will respawn right before the hordes start so people cant go and kill them all when it’s easier to do so.

Also, games have to be ridiculous to be hard. How do you explain enemies in games dying so much easier than you, or zombies even responding at all. Games can’t not be ridiculous without ruining the game. I’m sorry but it being ridiculous really can’t be a valid argument for video games. There’s a difference between a bad idea and something being strange or ridiculous. You understand?

When a superhero flying around the city is ridiculous — it’s normal. But when you walking in the streets and after few moments there are a effing horde spawns next to you — it’s ridiculous in a bad way.

When did I say it spawns right next to you. Do tell me. And most likely, on horde days the entire day would look different, say the sky is red, or there’s thunderstorms on the horizon for the entire day, then at night it starts raining and that’s when the hordes come. I never said anything about them spawning right next to you.

Wait wait wait wait wait. Have you just described an original fortnite when a monsters attacking your base?

Cough cough

You said

And as you may know, a lot of people doing scavenging at the cities. And there are also many ZZs spawn location at cities, and if the player decides to go to city at horde spawn day, ZZs will spawn next to the player.

whelp, skybases will be even be even more validated now

Mostly /s

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No I came up with that idea from 7 days to die.

No I never said right next to you. Most likely zombies will only respawn if their respawn point is out of sight of someone.
That’s just a guess that Nelson will do that to make the game more immersion.

Remember skybases won’t work anymore?Nelsons adding physics, when did you forget this-

Well when I build my base in the caves, more noticeably the main Hawaiian caves, I believe even if the zombies could climb, if property built, whould be immune to such attacks, or partial skybases will still be a thing, and massive abuse of anywhere not accesable to zombies (which could be numerous)

What if zombies spawn always from outside the map as a horde that walks “directly” where a location was cleared, so to replace the fallen zombs?

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To do that right you may need supports. And the Zombies could either fall onto your base and break it or attack the supports. Zombies are more likely to be more coordinated in 4

Yeah that sounds good

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