Medicine Overdose/High Suggestion

Alright, So I just thought of this Idea for Unturned 4.x that if you use to much medicine you can “Overdose”. This effect might give you a “stoned” effect like what eating berries does or makes you lose health, Pretty neat idea.

Oh and it would be nice if you can make homemade medicine, I dont know… I guess you can mix/craft berries or something, or farming cannabis in unturned (Haha)

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Maybe it should make the medicine less effective


mother can i have painkillers

to cease pain?


actually overdoses like a boss

bad liver time


i despise you

Not all meds should cause you to get stoned, or actually kill you by OD. For example, morphine will do far more in terms of OD with just 1 shot than, say, weaker painkillers ( ae. Paracetamol, that would take more than 8 whole packs of it to cause an OD). If toxicity stays similar to the current system, I feel like tox medications should pose a potentially higher threat than other meds (as I don’t see chugging a ton of Purification Tablets being too good for you).

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