Millitay Nightvislion Scope Bug

I’ve encountered a bug in Unturned on a PVP project when I was using Millitay Nightvislion Scope. You put a flashlight on your head (ID: 1199) and pick up a weapon with Millitay Nightvislion Scope (ID: 1201). Then if you press the on/off button of the flashlight quickly, you can turn off the night vision on the scope.


I also like to use this glitch in the PvP, so сould you implement such mechanic with this scope?

Thats quite a cool find, does it work with higher scope qualities?

It works with every scope that have a Night Vision.

Sorry for the miscommunication, I was referring to the scope render quality in settings.

Ohhh, no problem then!

Following up here too linking to a related issue report: [BUG] NVG Scope Bug · Issue #4784 · SmartlyDressedGames/Unturned-3.x-Community · GitHub

Interesting point that it could be useful in regular gameplay if supported as an intended feature. :slight_smile:

If you do plan on making changes to the scope, could it be interchangeable? Like you can salvage the night vision scope for scrap and night vision parts, which can be used to make other scopes like the 16x scope have the option for night vision.
Also, will there ever be other special scopes? Like a thermal scope, or one that automatically changes it zoom level depending on the distance (a range finder would be required)

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