Modding object glass/ Мод на объект стекла

Hello everyone, I decided to make a glass object, but for some reason, the objects behind the glass do not get the color of the glass, only the earth changes, and the stones and shit also remain. Who knows what material Nelson used for the glass?

Привет всем, я решил сделать стеклянный объект, но по какой-то причине, объекты за стеклом не приобретают цвет стекла, меняется только земля, а камни и дерьвья так же остаются. Кто знает, какой материал использовал Нельсон для стекл?

I think you should post this in whatever language you’re native in, then someone fluent in that language will be able to get to you.

I don’t think a lot of people here from Russia :confused:
You from Russia?

In Unity all normal, but in game all bad

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try putting Asset_Bundle_Version 2 at the bottom of the DAT file

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I’m learning Russian right now. I can only understand the basics of your post and whatever you used to translate it did a quite good job of Russian to English.

Хорошо спасибо

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Thanks, just going to close the topic and describe how to solve the error)

heh, understand other languages is хорошо

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