I am doing another interview with Molton soon, but this time it will actually be real and recorded so you can hear Molton’s voice and mine too.
Unlike the previous interview, I will be taking questions that any of you have about Molton, and nothing is off the table, I will accept serious stuff and memes alike.
Wherefore did Molton arise, and what combination of events brought him to this point?
Is Molton secretly the devil?
Does Molton like cream cheese on his bagels?
What is his relationship with Nelson?
How many hours does he have on Unturned?
What sort of things does he do in his spare time?
How many shrimps do you have to eat before your skin turns pink?
Which is the superior drink, tea or coffee?
Are chain-link fences better or are wooden fences better?
Which is an evil virus of Satan, communism or capitalism?
Is water wet?
If shirts aren’t tucked inside pants, are the pants tucked inside the shirt?
What is the square root of an onion?
Has he played Deadzone?
Does he know the way?
Does he prefer his burgers fully dressed, if he likes burgers at all? Excluding cheese.
What type of cheese does he like the most?
How old is Molton?
Are traps gay?
Is 42 really the answer to everything?
Is gun control really the answer to gun violence?
Does he put black pepper on his french fries?
When is Unturned II being released?
Just because he watched a Japanimation when he was younger does not mean that. That’s like saying watching Pokemon or Yugi-oh when you were younger made you a weeaboo, which is not the case.