Most buildables should be damagable by "low-cal"

Can you guess which of the buildables on the above image can be damaged with non-raiding weapons?
Probably not.

Reveal answer

Only the Umbrella can be damaged with low-caliber weapons.


If you want to destroy vast majority of the buildables in the game you will be forced to use a high-caliber weapon like a Dragonfang, an unlikely activity considering everybody would rather keep their raiding supplies for… raiding.

What this means is that in a hypothetical scenario where you don’t have a Claim Flag, and somebody decides to decorate the surroundings of your base with five Tank Traps he found in a military base, you will either be forced to use about 85 Dragonfang ammo, or move your base because you got griefed. It’s not an unlikely scenario considering how cheap many buildables are to craft and how plenty of them can be found spawning around the maps.


Making all buildables (except metal lockers and the ones that snap onto structures, such as doors or fortifications) vulnerable to low caliber. This would mean that if you got griefed (and it wasn’t structure pieces placed around your base) you could easily just destroy the unwanted buildables with your melee or regular guns.

Another welcome addition along with this would be to remove “Armor Tier: High” from aforementioned buildables, it’s not a very well explained mechanic, I doubt anyone besides modders or people really deep into the game know what it does (it truly deserves a post of its own!!!), but in short it halves the incoming damage, effectively doubling the health of the buildable. There’s probably more but two of the most ridiculous examples I have found is Metal Tables with 1000 HP (34 Dragonfang shots) and the Metal Flag (74 Dragonfang Shots!!!)



I don’t think this change would have a negative impact, with “roleplaying” bases that might utilise buildables such as Coolers or Beach Chairs it would still take effort to go out of your way and destroy those buildables, for no benefit (as the buildables in vanilla don’t drop anything upon destruction). After all if you don’t want your barricades to be destroyed, you can lock them inside of your base.

This is something I have personally experimented with, almost no buildables on Arid (except for doors and whatnot) are high-cal proof and I am yet to hear anything about that.


To clarify, this post refers to the technical term of “barricades” as “buildables”.


If you are able to build an entire, full sized base that is big enough it wouldn’t be viable to move, but aren’t able to afford a claim flag, that’s just a skill issue. It is EXTREMELY easy to spam claim flags inside of your base and everywhere around it by putting it in a door frame.

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That’s more of an issue related to Claim Flags. Curated maps dating back to elver have been going around that by making the “Claim” barricade physically bigger and as such unable to be “clipped” into stuff but this goes outside of the scope of this post.

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There wasn’t a lot of traction on this post, but you’re right that there’s been a few curated maps (& furniture mods) that treat buildables differently than how we do with vanilla. And players do seem mostly fine with it.

IMO it’d probably make sense to go through and tweak some of these at some point, so that it’s harder for people to grief by spamming buildables (whether that’s inside a raided base or just throughout the map randomly).

I want to note that Armor Tier is intended for servers though. These configurable multipliers were added for the servers that wanted to tweak the health of wood-tier vs. metal-tier placeables separately.


I didn’t explain it fully in the post but I meant removal of this property from the placables - decorations. Due to automatic nature of this property it’s applied to metal furniture and those already have more health than wooden tables but they gain even more with the armor tier multiplier, it’s simply not necessary on things such as furniture, which do not constitute actual pieces of structures. Although the amount of health would not be problematic if they were vulnerable in the first place.