My map doesn't work when I upload it on a server

My custom map works just fine, but many assets seem to be outdated… I used elver assets and many others… Do I have to update the assets myself and upload them to the workshop? Or do I just give up? I’m losing my mind. It always gives a error like… missing asset or asset id’s that are overlapping eachother. I paid money for a server I can’t play…

If you’re making a custom map – I recommend making sure the mods you are using are compatible with the latest version of the game. If you check your error logs, you’ll probably be able to deduce which mods aren’t compatible and can go from there. (E.g., probably removing them from your map/server.)

The same applies to conflicting mods.

Ok but… without those mods, I literally don’t need the map anymore, It works just fine in singleplayer but on multiplayer it’s broken… Can I literally update the mods myself or something? Or do I just give up?

Based on this information, it sounds like the mods aren’t outdated. Rather, you haven’t added the mods to your multiplayer server. You should double-check that you’ve either properly configured all dependencies on your custom map’s Workshop upload, or that you’d added all of the relevant mods to your map’s WorkshopDownloadConfig.json file.

(Ideally – doing both of these things!)

Are you sure you’re not running into errors (e.g., ID conflicts) in single-player as well? I’d recommend checking your error logs. Could you clarify what you mean by “My map doesn’t work”?

There are no singleplayer errors, but when I try to join the server, I get errors such as… Client and server disagree on asset “Black couch” and then the rest of the error is about the ID of the missing item and stuff like that…

Sorry for the bad picture I’m on the phone.
The elver assets mod seems to give me trouble… but then again… If it works fine in singleplayer then why not on multiplayer?

These are the dependent mods ( I know that there are some map mods in there but that’s because I not quite sure what maps give me the assets and what maps don’t, I will remove them sistematically once I atleast get a clear path on what is wrong

Admittedly, it’s a bit difficult to read the contents of your screenshot. I recommend providing the full error log instead. Creating a support ticket and uploading the log file there might be simplest.

Including a link to your Workshop map, along with other helpful information (such as how your WorkshopDownloadConfig.json file is configured) would likely be helpful.

Looking over the list of mods on the server, it does look like you have some conflicting or outdated mods. For example – you have both the original “Elver” map installed, and then someone’s reupload of the assets from that map. You’ve installed the same files twice, so that’s going to cause a mod conflict.

I’d recommend determining which mods your map is using assets from and removing any that you aren’t using. If you check your error logs, you should be able to determine which mods are causing issues.

To clarify – you can check your errors from either the log files (see the top of my reply), or from the Workshop menu by clicking on the “Error Logs” button. I would imagine that you’d see some errors, even if they’re not impacting your single-player experience.

That makes a lot of sense, I will remove Elver, thank you, btw I somehow managed to get the map working fine, but some of my friends can’t find the server while some can