Atleast his map is nearing completion lol
Seriously though ive been waiting a year man
Atleast his map is nearing completion lol
Seriously though ive been waiting a year man
Ehhh Ive been working on it on and off over a year. (wait no, 2 years)
At least animatic can keep a constant schedule while I cant.
Working as hard as possible, just a bunch of shit flying at me at the worst times currently.
Stay strong, it’s coming lmao
And there’s still blood everywhere lol
That’s not a good point at all. Waiting more time for a better map is much more preferable.
Oh yeah, btw yall, a body in a certain climate can decay to bones in a matter of weeks. (not to mention having been partially eaten and all)
Considering its winter time on my map, it probably would have been summer when it all went down.
Or maybe I have the wrong info, who knows.
and you sir need to kindly calm your tits, it’s the second time you’ve directly attacked someone in a span of a quarter hour
EDIT: third
i mean i am gay
No, I…
I dont even know anymore.
But really, if you guys think my map is awful, then block the notifications here and stop being pieces of junk.
I can deal with you guys insulting me myself, but insulting what I have spent absolute ages making, and not to mention the fact I lost the entire map and one point (when I was almost finished), and had to redo the entire thing.
I really dont have to deal with peoples bullshit, yet I do.
pfft i mean if you posted your map progress here you should have predicted critics
Yes, I did expect critics, but…
Just straight up insulting it, AND INDIRECTLY CALLING IT TERRIBLE…
You call that criticism? Have you guys even bothered playing the thing? Your only oppinion is based off of images I post.
Also Btw,
Their not books. As I said earlier, it was a modded object, that danaby2 allowed me to use.
Like really,
I might be being an ■■■■■■■ myself, but Really?
Im working on fixing the vets that are too large. I did the power lines because they add to the feel of the map, even if they are unnecessary.
More of just supposed to surprise players who are exploring.
Gonna be honest here, it’s not a matter of making fun of your map as it is just trying to show you that some things need to be redone.
Among other things that we probably haven’t seen. It’s better to get these things fixed before they turn into a habit.
We don’t need to play a map to give criticism.
well if I were to post something terrible here calling it terrible would be only fair
Alright, real criticism.
First off: over-detailing never makes a map good.
The spec ops vest on the skeleton is far to big. And the skeleton is far too small - is it some sort of child soldier? It’s the size of a gun case!
And regarding the zombies in skyscrapers: Not many players are really going to find out they’re there. And even if any spawn, they’re probably just going to walk out the windows. Zombies don’t take fall damage.
a j be li/'eke epic
I don’t think your map’s that bad, aj.
It could be improved strongly in a few ways however. Stretching decals makes weirdly sized pixels and doesn’t look as good as custom decals. compound objects are severely limiting when it comes to performance and looks, as compound objects can usually have gaps in between objects and are destructable. they lower performance drastically and can limit how many objects you place in your map before it simply becomes unplayable. I do like how you did the powerlines, it’s a really cool idea, but it could be improved by making a flat plane object with a texture in place of a cube for the powerlines.
All in all, keep it up with a few more of your own custom objects (not mods unless if you can help it.)
(also zombies can’t be in the upper floors of skyscrapers unless there’s stairs to the upper floor included in the object, the game doesn’t have navigation for those floors)
Yes I understand that, But I would rather you guys play the map itself before calling the entire map terrible.
I use pallets to force the game to generate navigation on those floors.
Yes, I guess it does. I usually I have to mess around with them so that doesn’t become a huge problem.
thats one way to do it but keep in mind that doing that generates lag buildup
Yes I guess thats true.
Btw yall, Just to let you know, the road being jagged was only in that one area.
This is the map from afar, with low graphics settings. You all can decide what you thing. I dont care anymore.
One last thing, thanks to the people who ACTUALLY provided criticism. Instead of just calling the map terrible.