This is just a post to talk about what i think about the devlog 18, thus the title. I’m probably gonna nitpick the stuff that will be changed but i don’t care.
I’m really excited about this. Nelson said that you could have a gun and a knife deployed at the same time, but i think that if you were to hold a gun in one hand, it should be less accurate.
Like a lot less.
New Ammo UI
I don’t know if i like it. It looks kind of weird but amusing at the same time. I think it should be slightly bigger to make it more noticeable.
The Gun stuff
I hope the recoil won’t stay like that xd, also the bullet… travel things, in my opinion, shouldn’t be this kind of line that goes all the way with the bullet. And maybe that won’t be what Nelson want’s but i would like to see the tracer (or the shot out bullet) to be glowing yellow to make it more noticeable, so then silenced weapons can be a lot more useful.
Le Bombom man
Me likey.
Teammate See-through walls… thing…
I don’t think it should show the entire silhouette of the teammate, but instead the nickname. The outline makes it too obvious and in my opinion unnecessary. With the nickname, we can identify him easier, and not be too distracted.
Improved Animations
By which i mean the shotgun handling position (definitely not that), the hand on the pump should go through the pump to make it look like he’s actually holding the pump…
By that, you mean bullet goes through the air, and suddenly loud noise happens, or add sub-sonic bullets which make gunshots quieter? Cause if so, I really like that idea.
Totally agree, and another one would be to limit the type of guns that can be held simultaneously. Like sure, two dual colts would be… impractical but dope, but I honestly think carrying a single matamorez with one hand while wielding a hell’s fury with the other is obviously ridiculous.
No comment. Personally, I’m fine with it.
Me likey too.
I think it’s perfectly fine, the nickname one could be a potential replacer and the silhouette could be moved to a spectator-only feature like CS:GO’s if Nelson implements one.
There are limitations to the model and the way it holds things and I’m pretty sure it will look wonky if the whole hand occupies the pump, I think Nelson’s is already fine imo.