Mythical View Glitch

I have found this glitch. I will attach screenshots and explain.

In the picture, you can see that I have a normal mythical skin equiped.

Now I will go to my inventory (second picture) and disable the skin.
This is what happens.


This glitch works with every mythical weapon. It doesn not work with cosmetics, only with skins. Also, it is not just a visual glitch, all players can see mythicals without skins (default skin mythicals.) I am not sure that this is good, because previously it was not working like this. I do not know if this is like a new feature, maybe I am wrong.

If you want to fix it, you simple can switch perspective (third or first) and this glitch disappears.


Sorry about this! Are you on the preview branch? (I believe this should be addressed by one of the fixes on the preview branch)


Not on the preview branch. In normal game version


I agree with @TSB
It is not on the preview branch. But this glitch is not popular

Nelson, thank you for becoming more active. I am really pleased how much more time you have begun to devote to the game and to the forum.


Thanks! I think it’s perhaps worth clarifying, however, that the amount I’m working on the game is the same. I’m allocating more time to posting in the community spaces now that we have support tickets more under control - a couple of years ago it easily took 2 to 4 hours per day to stay on top of tickets, so I didn’t have much energy to post comments and whatnot. In the last few months I’ve gotten it under an hour or so per day!


Nice, nice. But still, if you it is hard to keep up, why not recruit new staff to help?


It’s not as simple as “just recruit staff” lol

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I know buddy

I also encountered this bug

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So why drop that there?

What do you mean?

This entire exchange is what I mean

I know but it was just a suggestion. Yes, this is hard but still possible.