Need help with mod

I’ve watched a lot of tutorials, but i dont understand the part that im in right now, and also this happened:

So i need help

Don’t export materials from Blender. All materials should be set up in Unity.

how do i do that exactly? and is it wrong that the model is’t pointing up?

Don’t export materials from Blender. All materials should be set up in Unity.

I dont know how to do that. There is no info in the internet, as far as i have seen.

is that wrong? and how do i set up the materials is the only question here

No. Ignore the material you exported. Duplicate the example gun folder and just replace your model and texture, then apply the texture to the material.

Ok ty. I found this information in nelson’s discord, and i have set everything up, it works great, except the texture doesn’t appear in game. In unity it shows a texture.

This is my last question, apart from when later i will need to get pistol/bolt action animations

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The reason the texture isn’t showing could be the result of you using the incorrect Unity version.

You are required to use the version of Unity which Unturned is using (or any other 5.5 version of Unity). Currently, Unturned is using 5.5.3f1. Using Unity 5.6 with Unturned causes shader/material issues which is what it seems you’re having an issue with.

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I was, and i have, and also my tags weren’t good and now its fixed and its fine

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