New Grass looks bad

New grass look bad, you schould make new grass imao

The grass isnt any different than any other devlog. So why are you pointing that out now? (Personally, i think it looks great).


its most likely a temp model or is going to be placed as different types of grass. i think its pretty nice as well.

You don’t need your words in bold.


It was quite a bold statement, if you were to ask me.


ya know whats bad?

a revolver in fortnite

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i think it would help to add a gradient to each straw so that it doesn’t look so flat, other than that it looks good

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You know what it needs? Ambient Occlusion or some tipe of baked lighting. You cant even see the grass the way it is now, it has the same collor as the ground.

baked lighting wouldn’t work because the grass moves when you walk over it, and you can’t force people to use AO

Yure Enchulish Is bhayd lol xd, Fex it kied lmfayo

Baked lighting icludes baked ao. You can force people to use baked ao. Baked ao should work even with movable objects, it is not like proper shadows.

what happens then when you place down building parts? the grass would be gone but the shadows wouldn’t

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Now that’s a problem.

hah gotcha

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Why does it look bad?

Do you want it to be more detailed?

I don’t get why you are posting this

You cant even see the grass if you dont pay attention to it.

Well yeah but it took 15 devlogs to realise that…

Did the autumn grass put people off?

my problem with the current grass is that it all looks like one big glob except for the horizon with the poky bits

Your topic is bad, you schould make new topic imao

i don’t want Unturned to have quality graphic detail. I always play with low detail settings because my computer is a potato, anyway. That is probably true for many ppl who play unturned around the world. Ppl play unturned because 1.) its free, 2.)it will run on their computer 3.)the gameplay mechanic is fun 4.) there are sufficient servers and players to play against (in that order). graphics quality is the least important aspect of Unturned, and if graphics quality comes at the sacrifice of 1 thru 4 … well that would be a huge mistake. now … discuss … (waits for hate mail) …