New unturned 2 zombie type idea

This is the birdcatcher zombie. These zombies are most commonly turned out of abandoned children and live alone in the forest. They hate interacting with other zombies. In the day they hide in their own burrows or caves only comming out when it is night or there is a player or zombie in their territory to fend them off. At night they come out to hunt rabbits and other small game. When hunting they go on all fours and chase their prey.
Also they climb in trees to catch birds and steal their eggs (that’s where the name is from). Also if there is a player nearby they climb into the trees and ambush them. This is a way to make the Forrest’s less safe at night to keep you alert. At least these are my ideas and anything can be changed about them. Let me know what you think.:package:(emoji achievement )


they look to realistic for unturned and scary 0:

I know they look too realistic. It is just to portray the zombie and get the idea across.

I just noticed the second one kinda looks like smeagul.

To much scary shit for unturned. It seems unnessecary for the zombies to climb trees and jump down or hide in caves. But solitude zombies would be good. Just not realistic, Unturned style.

Hmm yeah there should not be climbing zombies and stuff, but I really don’t want unturned || to be a happy goofy game like 3.0. Yes, it should have some goofy elements and similarities to 3.0, but it should be nowhere near as lighthearted. That would just ruin the apocalyptic feeling.

Nsfw dubbed by mods ;(

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I agree. lol

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excuse me tophat unturned is supposed to be kid friendly ):<
(its a joke btw if u didn’t know c:)

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Don’t reply with I agree, just click the like button. :wink:

The art style doesnt match, i dont think we should have such complex backstories and names
for the bircatcher zombie it should be just

Cave zombie: hides in caves and comes out at night
(probably the equivalent to the sprinter)

also it shouldn’t steal bird eggs, that sounds like an awful reference to something i don’t know or an eyeball picked feature maybe it should climb in general and not just trees

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