Did any of you buy it? What are your experiences thus far?
I liked Labo as concept but never was really interested until the VR one. I pre-ordered the starter kit and it arrived on time, about 12-1PM, on launch day. Spent a good 5-6 hours buildings everything it came with (Goggles, blaster, pinwheel thingy, couple other odds and ends.) and only got to play like an hour before the battery died. Played it most of today, i’m honestly flabbergasted by the amount of content in it.
The blaster game was great but the hippo feeding game (Kablasta or whatever.) was way better imo, me and my two brothers enjoyed it thoroughly. Only complaint is lack of match settings, can only change number of fruit and turn on fruit sharing. No timer, no smash style random events or anything, only 2 players. All the VR videos were great, despite not having full 360 support. The VR plaza and VR garage impressed me the most out of everything though, all the built in plaza games are legitimately really fun and I’ve gone back to multiple a good couple times. I haven’t gotten into the garage yet, but seeing all the stuff the plaza games can do (I was particularly fond of Big Old Book and the lighting effects.) makes me excited for it.
I’m planning on buying the two expansion sets next time i head to my local Walmart, assuming they even have them. The starter set was totally worth the 40$ and i’m sure both the expansions will be worth their 40$ too. Also hyped about Zelda BOTW support, that’ll be great.
Btw the only reason i’m writing this is because i’m bored since my Switch ran out of batteries for the third time. I haven’t ran the battery dry this much since i first got the console!
AHEM sorry for the long post, i actually really liked this kit if you can’t tell lol.