North Murica map idea

What’s the point? It would work well as a large map where people want to avoid others without having to hide every 20 seconds. It would work well if you wanted to stay on map and not get bored for a while, cause you can explore the massive map for hours.

If you mean immediately after Pineridge, I disagree. There’s so many other things to do first, and even then Pineridge gives Nelson a chance to develop good levels.

All official maps would be playable on official servers afaik.

I think the map should be something like “the crew” if anyone of u guys actually played that game but I think the way that map was constructed was brilliant. So that map that is suggested in this topic should be constructed similar to that. Well just with Canada added in as well of course. That’s just my 2 cents on this:)

i didnt know those cities existed until i looked on google maps

sorry living in an american town the size of a peanut makes me ignorant to population

Vertical roads

I see you are a man of culture

<img src=“

basically what the map will look like

this will take a VERY VERY long time to make.

North America

omits Mexico, Carribean regions but still adds Hawaii



one thing to say : nope

off forgot about mexico and friends OFF

It’s ok, Trump’s wall whould just about make it inaccessible anyway.

true so mexico wont really be a prt of the map

Bigger slots plz.

yea pls (stupid 10 characters)

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