Not able to load the map with editor

My map is stuck at the loading screen of editor whenever I try to launch it. I tried to replace the Flags.dat with the new file, tried deleting it. Tried deleting the mods, redownloading the map and restarting game nothing really helps. Please Help

Have you always had this issue? It may just be that your hardware is a bit weak (relative to the demands of loading your map in the editor). In which case, just waiting longer could result in you eventually loading in. Or closing out of other programs, etc. first and then trying to load in.

I had this issue after I redownloaded the map since it corrupted objects. I will try to do the steps you stated thanks. I will let you know if it works or not.

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If it freezes at a specific percentage each time, make a copy of the map and try to figure out what is breaking it. I’ve been messing with some things on the map files and I want to see if I can potentially recover maps that this happens to.

Delete files one at a time until it loads, then when it does load, make another copy with only that file deleted to see if any other files are breaking it. If you don’t have a good backup of that bad file, I may be able to get something from it or at least an idea on why it broke.

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I got rid of most of the files the loading bar is still stuck at 20% ish whenever I delete file or not. Is there another way to fix it? Yes there are some files left like foliage, buildables, most of the files in environment
(Edit: I deleted Trees.dat and it fixed the issue thank you for the help) It works now

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