NPC/Object New Rewards (Suggestion)

Add survival stats as a reward and a death as a reward as well. It would look something like this.

Response_0_Dialogue 123
Response_0_Rewards 1
Response_0_Reward_0_Type Death
Or something like this:
Response_0_Dialogue 123
Response_0_Rewards 1
Response_0_Reward_0_Type Virus
Response_0_Reward_0_Amount -60
This would help flesh out NPCs or objects, if you weren’t with the right faction or didn’t say the right thing, the player would die or be damaged “in a fight”. It would be useful for some objects too, if a player had to get uranium or something dangerous for a quest, the object would damage the player as they pick it up. Perhaps then being able to use the delay function for a continuous loss of health?
I thought it would be a neat way to flesh out some NPCs.

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