Obtainable skins

Srry for being annoying and asking about skin but I just wanna make collection of rare skins
, so I wanna a list of all items that it’s possible to obtain today, also for twitch T-Shirt how much fallowers u need to get it?

Hey, @KoKe. You can find information about how to acquire various special items (if they’re still obtainable) on the support page for them. :slight_smile:

The Twitch T-Shirt is not tied to followers, but to Twitch’s affiliate/partner program.


Its for real kinda annoying to see every single day requests about obtainable skins. Stop hunting for them :smiley: lol. Like you can get only 2-5 of rare items. Tbh, even I try to hunt for them but I kinda gave up. I will continue later.

Molt is right, find all the information in the SDG Help Center

Where to find this help center?



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