Ok New zombie right and good and one that cannot attack

When responding to our criticism you could’ve just pointed out that you may be new to the English language and maybe apologized for that instead of just blatantly attacking us.

When you get criticism, it’s best to take it in and build off of it, instead of brushing it off and attacking those who try to help you. Okay?

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Well am do not look criticism just next do dude we need you to have a short sentence or something so we can read it that how you should talk to someone.

If you get criticism, don’t attack the people who offered it.

Was that short enough for you?

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Ok that it let get on to the next topic Weapon Stand

Like I told you before, I already read it.

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ok dude thanks

um secrouisly did you read the other comment if you did not than idk i why you never got the full story of what i misunderstood them ok.

Firebolt stop i know this stuff ok thank you.

People need to stop being so offensive.

You guys keep complaining about his writing skills while you can’t stay on topic. It is incomprehensible, yes it is already established, stop being such a whore to up your post count.

The topic has derailed at this point, just give your feedback on the structure of the post and his ideas and move on. This is one of the basics on most forums wow guys.

To the next poster; please observe etiquette. I suggest that you only reply your opinion on the idea of the suggestion.

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