AHH YES, 2 WHOLE YEARS OF BEING ON HERE, i might not be a regular but I sure am a vet. I actually made this account a few days after my birthday, which was on the 6th.
i am 15 now so that’s pretty neat.
Haha you’re a twelvie 3 years ago
15? Born in 2004.
Your not one of us.
Okay boomer
^ This.
Also, how old are you guys? can’t be that old right?
I’m 19 and turning 20 in a week
Molton is a few years younger
Nelson is a few years older
Pfft, we’re all adults here.
Adding that to the case file…
Ive nearly got enough evidence to have you hung for… piracy…
assuming no one else here has ever pirated
but what piracy am I referring to? :3
Oh are you talking about being an actual pirate?
Yeah hmmmm, maybe yarrr, it’s in the name anyways
Speaking of being a vet, my dog’s starts acting weird. Would you mind take a glander at it?
Behind the shed or in a furnance?
Pick your poison
If he misbehaves just show him this:
welcome to the club lad
Just turned 17. Sooner or later college is going to steal my time.
Wait, that means you were underage when using bot Steam and Discord. Uh oh.
Foolish child you were 5 ago 10 years ago, MUHAAH
What are you trying to say
You were 4
dont you mean he IS 4?