I like to flex my badge cause I’m cool and not just a regular
lmao make me one
very cool thank you
yes but actually no
If you have these, you have transcended the mortal realm
now this is super epic
however nerd, despite you becoming a leader, i was a regular a year before you. therefore i should rightfully rule pineridge sdg forums
Can i be a leader?
Why are you and Mom mad at each other
I’m not your Dad.
Ahhh, you must be the mother then
Are you Molton mkII’s dady?
Well, this is all I have. Is it enough anyway?
Yarrrr boutta go Vegemite mode
Don’t do my boy Reaver like that
o my god hahaha
we’re all fucked now
No Molton got fucked
Sorry about the wait, kids.
You guys ever hear of adoption “disruption”? It’s when adoption fails before it’s legalized.
It’s known as adoption “dissolution” when the adoption was finalized but the legal relationship between the parents and the adopted child(ren) is then severed.
Once you actually adopt someone they’re the equivalent of a birth child in that family. That often makes it difficult to give a child up after it’s finalized, because there’s an age limit on when you can put someone up for adoption.
Fortunately, with most agencies the age limit goes up to 4 years old. So goodbye, children.
I also learned that, apparently, 6 in 10 Americans have had a personal experience with adoption. now, that includes: being adopted themselves, having an adopted family member, knowing a close friend who was adopted, giving a child up for adoption, and adopting a child themselves.
So it’s rather broad, but what’s actually painful is that there’s no statistics on how many people are never adopted on average. In 2012 though, it was 23,439 people.
Here’s a cat.
fuck u ur not leader
edit: ok ur leader so what ur still not black
Us frogs be black we shpuld be ledr
Us frogs laedar