Opinions on the new update?

What are the problems these changes aimed to resolve?


this looks cool, what map is that


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Why are the clouds reflecting on the wooden floors and roofs of buildings?


In my map at least the distance fog has prevented terrain vanishing from being visible, which is pretty common on maps that are super big. I was personally a big fan of the closer fog for uk, wish there was a slider to determine when it starts so that i could bring it back to how it was before the more recent update.
edit: i also really like the new clouds and aurora, really hated the boulder looking clouds before even if they’re what the game has always had


I think the “boulder” looking clouds fit the aesthetic


it’d be interesting to see this actually, especially if clouds/stars/etc can be disabled
would make for some unique maps, though I wonder how it’d work with the day-night cycle

could make it optional? either a .dat option or something in the Unity object prefab itself?
for example, Stasven’s skybox details were done by having the objects use the Sky tags and layers to bypass the render distance settings every other object has

dead project
read the post pelks sent

if it’s one thing I do like about the fog it’s hiding LOD transitions - with Stasven I went the extra mile and made my own fake cloud particles to hide even more LODs and give a sense of scale
honestly I don’t mind the new clouds either, but I’m in the ‘new stuff can be a clientside or per-map option’ crowd


turn off skybox reflection this update seems to broke this

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