Physics in items

It is a very simple and small suggestion but I think it could be interesting.
I did a brief survey on the forum and found nothing about it, so let’s go …

I find it strange that items do not obey physics very well in unturned 3.0, for example: An explosion occurs next to an item and it remains static, as if nothing had happened. At least I have never seen this in unturned 3.0, I think something like this would be interesting in unturned 4.0, would give a slightly greater immersion to the game.


I think things should be damaged and prehaps moved by the environment, this would be for astectis mainly, but could have some useful functionality. Like delivering goods by floating them down a river.
Or destroying weapons/items of your enemies.
Or in my case destroying everything that I own before a clan of 9 year old raiders breach my vault so no one can have it.


Wouldn’t having so many physics objects cause performance loss?
I suppose if physics objects would turn back into regular objects once they stopped moving entirely, it could be light enough on performance as to warrant addition, but I’m unsure as to whether or not this is efficiently possible.
Otherwise, I doubt Nelson would add this, for the sake of optimization.


Imagen throwing a grenade into a pile of bullets,
the explosion could throw them all over the city


all over the city? not really…

well all ovet the city was just an exaggeration

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I feel like this would be good to an extent, Rigid bodies can easily lag a server much more than 3.x’s fall down onto ground physics.

Realmente, pensando bem, não é uma boa ideia acho que daria muito lag no jogo.

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