Picking up items

Picking up items one by one is really time consuming and in the long run kinda tedious.
My suggestion is that if it could be possible to make it so just by pressing F once and maintain the key press, it picks up the items as if you were spamming F.


Ohhh like in Rust. Nice feature tho

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It could be a cool idea, but every1 spamming servers by holding f down would be kinda bad. They could make holding f send a custom pickup event at a rate that is slower than spamming f that tries to pickup multiple of the same item up. That would have its uses (rip 100x servers if that becomes a possibility everyone will become a vacum cleaner the hosts will be dying left and right).

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I don’t think it cause this to happen

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Holding buttons instead of continuing to press them is an accessibility feature Unturned should have anyway. For people with Arthritis, Carpel Tunnel or otherwise (or people who just don’t like to mash buttons constantly).
Any issues caused by continuing to repeat the F input by holding the button could be solved by only having it repeat every so often, or in your inventory, or whatever.


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