Short suggestion. Pretty much, you can pick up roadside objects (barrels, garbage bins) and throw them at zombies, or use them to fight off zombies. You would not be able to put them in your inventory, and you would have to drop them to access guns/primary and secondary weapons, and they would slow your walking speed a bit.
They wouldn’t be good to use on players, and would only have a bit of damage on zombies, but they could be used to cripple the zombies and make them fall over, to shake off the zombies when they’re following you, allowing you to get away from them easier.
No, I just mean certain things. Such as barrels, garbage bins, and news-stands or signs. Objects able to pick up would be different to un-movable barricades.
I think it would be neat especially if nelson took a half-life approach maybe som things like the massive dumpters could only be pushed but couldn’t get over sidewalks and the like. (but only the ones that have wheels and are empty?) this of courses being the absolute limit for what could be done.