The way we have placeable weapons now in Unturned is just a vehicle that can’t drive.
Id love to see litterally placeable Mountable weaponry in Unturned II that is not a vehicles but more like a barricade or tripods with an inventory slot where you can place several LMGs in to use as a mounted gun profits of this would be reduced recoil and basedefence. and maybe diffrent types of mounts like swivel mounts tripods Etc.
would make the Towers maybe usefull so incase your getting raided you can spray and pray on them from above? And yes that would be awesome mostly because there can be a mod or mode that can be made where it makes hordes of zombies come to your base and try to get you so you can set these up along with sandbags and fight them off idk XD
Should just be certain machine guns that already have bipods/tripods/whatever or have the ability to have them put on, and then placing them down and having the option to leave them or pick them up. As is your suggestion sounds pretty clunky.
What about a destroyed tank object, it would spawn by defaut on the map, wouldn’t be able to move but you could maybe use the Mg or even the cannon ?
Could be perfect for horde maps .
I could already imagine a system to edit some stuff with the editor . ( you could choose the rotation degree ( like 33° left , 12° right ) of the wreck weaponery or even prevent it from moving the turret ) .
I think that would be a great thing to have for certain maps. Would also be interesting if you could incorporate something like it into the edge of a base.
If this suggestion gets added to the things Nelson Wants in the game i think there should be a variety of turrets. Depending on the vehicle, A boat can probably carry a cannon, a plane and cars can carry some of the auto turrents such as those from Fallout or Halo Reach. Then also craftable ones that can be placed in bases or outside so that if a Wandering Horde comes and breaks through you door, your able to defend it with the ammo you have collected