Planning my trip to meet up with Unturned community members

I’m pretty sure
trust me it gets pretty crazy here

Just check the history of the coldest temps in your state @AstronautPug and @Pesticide

-34 was the lowest recorded

the fuck is up with weather


I live in a little pocket of ridiculous weather conditions
no joke in Michigan it’ll be 60 degrees one day and 20 the very next

Astro Pug’s Location confirmed:

I’m assuming we’re talking about Fahrenheit?

(10 characters)

Must have been during a Polar Vortex then. I live on the west coast, so we don’t go bellow negatives. Coldest temperature last year (that I can remember) was 24.8 Fahrenheit.

Yeah, I’m talking about the record lowest temperature since 1900. Lowest we’ve got recently was about -25 a few years ago

The part of California I live in is overshadowed by the neighbouring cities, and people don’t often record temperatures up where I live due to it not being an actual city/town :v

It’s usually colder than in the cities though. Right now it’s 55 Fahrenheit (13 celsius). For Context, the closest town is currently 73 Fahrenheit (22.7 Celsius).

Gaylord robinson

Imagine using Fahreinheit


I personally don’t, just using it because most people in the US use it.

“i live in the coldest state”


its 20 out every day in winter here in maine and we often go into the negatives (tbh rn we’re having a bit of a warm spell, it has only been in the 30s-40s lately)

lmao what kind of soyboy thinks 20-30 is cold you actually have no idea what cold is jesus christ

this is like every public tv american tv show where the host takes a road trip around america to visit and talk to people about a said topic and each episode goes to like a different state or something

if you want to truly get to know the unturned community you should take a road trip across eastern europe (stopping in a new country each week) and meet up with all the angry 5 year olds

celsius or other thing

Hi, I’m Flesh Pigeri, and we’re rolling out looking for America’s greatest furries, neckbeards, and weebs.

revs engine of rainbow hatchback

to be fair it was freezing rain

So I’m not exaggerating? Also bro get an umbrella