Im not expecting this to be a problem in 4.0 but It’s has pissed me of SO MUCH in 3.0 so I just have to make sure that the concern is atleast heard.
People blocking off loot spots
So I thing all of us that have played unturned have encounterd loot spots that have been blocked of with metal sheets and doors wich can really make life suck for other players.
I really don’t think that I have to say more about why this is bad and why there should not be any possibilitys to do this in Unturned ll.
Some possible solutions
I know that the building system in 4.0 won’t be like in 3.0 so this might already have been solved and Nelson has probobly thought about this already, but here are still some solutions
Restricting how much and what you can build in locations with loot and POIs
Let all players destroy barricades, or even make them movable by all players
I’m almost sertant that this is just common sence, but DON’T have the dumb plates in Unturned ll
If you have any other ideas on ways to prevent this just comment down below
Hi, we are Metal Plate and Metal pipe, and we are the perfect tools for griefing
Just look at what we can do to make other players lives harder…
How much of a cunt do you have to be seriously
Like just get something better to do…
Someone blocked of the way down to the silo in the dead zone on Russia , I usually have the zombies break the metal plates but one time that someone even put barbed wire behind it to make my life even more painful…
People greffing bases
Again, I really don’t think that I need to explain why this is bad and why this kinda stuff can’t be allowed…
- Just don’t allow players to do this…
why do people have to be dicks…